Stories Matter

meet our members

Alize Smith

The Smitty Show

Highly Recommended

Spokane Media Federal Credit Union is assisting us with not just us being able to produce our content, but to invest into the marketing for our business. Statistics show $1.2 billion per year goes into marketing, so it works and we just trying to make sure we have good content, but we also have the logistics to get our message out to the people..

Aaron Smith

The Smitty Show

Amazing Service

We looked at the evolution of our business and what we needed. We knew we needed to invest into marketing. From a mutual friendship, we went to the credit union, and they assisted us so we could build legitimate production quality in our video, marketing, and our social media platform.

I’ve worked with banks. I’ve had multiple different avenues where I’ve been able to have business opportunities. This credit union is something like no other. Something that’s local, that’s for the people, by the people.

Rebecca Cook

Filmmaker and Vice President of IATSE Local 488

When the new CEO Sarah heard about the writer and actor strikes that had put all of us out of work over the summer, she called me up and she just said, “What can we do?” And I just can’t tell you how much that meant to me. We worked together and the credit union created a wonderful program that helped support the local film crews and their families during this really difficult financial time for us all. There’s no way to quantify having community partners and people who care about you as a person. I mean, it’s been amazing.

Alexie Snow

Spokane Civic Theater

We ended up buying our first, I guess I would say big kid car. A new, a really nice new Subaru. It was the first time we had used a loan for something quite expensive for us. It was our first big life purchase as a couple. We used Spokane Media Federal Credit Union, and it was a wonderful experience. It’s a local spot. Now, I know that if I give them a call, I’m going to get a human I personally KNOW. We have a one-on-one relationship, which I really appreciate. It’s different than what you experience at bigger banks. It has a good vibe, a positive vibe, and good energy.

Adam Snow

Spokane Civic Theater

I just so appreciate the fact that we’re able to speak with individuals who are people in our community, and they aren’t tied to a big corporation. They’re always looking out in our best interest. When getting our loan, I appreciated the transparency from Jamie, and she wasn’t some banker telling us the way it has to be. I mean, when you talk to her, it’s a conversation. It’s not like a one-way street. We had one person who was looking through our finances, talking back and forth about the loan, making some adjustments as we went along, from start to finish.  

Scott Rasmussen

Inland Empire Paper Company

My credit union story comes from older gentlemen who used to work at IEP. They decided we needed a financial institution to help us in achieving our financial goals. They did that. They expanded. It became Spokane Federal Credit Union and then Spokane Media Federal Credit Union (now Media Credit Union). It evolved into what it is today, which has been a great financial institution for all media. Media is people who are focused on bringing stories to people, not necessarily the latest news, but all stories involving people’s lives. Media to me is about life and all it involves.

Lorenzo Garza

Inland Empire Paper Company
I started at the mill in 1983. I had just moved out here and the old guys at the mill said, “You should check out the credit union.” I was like, okay, it’s worthy of a look. And I’ll tell you what, they took care of me with my first loan, and they’ve done every loan I’ve ever done ever since. They’re a good family to me.

Charlie Schmidt

Multimedia Artist and Creator of Keyboard Cat Photo

I was at the credit union way before Keyboard Cat started. I’m old and I’ve been with Media Credit Union probably half of my life. They are my biggest fans. They hang some of my art in their offices and it’s been there for 20 years, maybe 30? I can’t believe the prints even still have color left! But there they still hang. They are my biggest fans and go to all my events. They’re like my relatives. My uncles and aunts are going to be there, and so is the credit union. They’re mine. And then incidentally, they take care of the money.

*Picture used with artist permission

(509) 838-8960
6103 N Astor St.
Spokane, WA 99208